Written & Illustrated by Chrysa Chouliara
Publisher: Baobab Books Basel
Translated from Greek to German by Michaela Prinzinger
Five animals from different continents - a fox, a tiger cub, a deer and an elderly couple of arctic terns- are crossing the sea to arrive to a new land.
Each animal has its own reason to flee its natural territory. The deer had escaped from a burned forest. The arctic terns are tired of their constant flying between the two poles for their normal migration circle and they secretly wish for a steady home. The tiger cub was deserted by its family. The fox is curious to see the world and explore new places.
How they will manage to survive and adapt to the coming changes? Will the other native animals accept them? And what is home after all?

Die Insel, is a part of the project "A NEW CHAPTER"
For the 25th edition of KOLIBRI, the reading recommendations for cultural diversity in children and youth literature, nine authors and illustrators were invited by Baobab Books to have a word. Having themselves migrated and opened a new chapter in their lives, they found their place in society not least because of their artistic work.
The slipcases will be handed over to the public libraries in Switzerland in the framework of the project «Welcome!» by Bibliomedia Switzerland, as well as to the intercultural libraries (Interbiblio), to school libraries and other institutions and organizations that engage in integration work (course centres, schools for bridging programs et al.). Furthermore the small library will be placed at the proposal of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers. The books will not be for sale nor enter regular booktrade.